Blackhaine live at Strange Brew

Blackhaine live at Strange Brew

11th May 2022 7:30pm - 11pm GMT
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2022-05-11 19:30:00 2022-05-11 23:00:00 Europe/London Blackhaine live at Strange Brew 10-12 Fairfax St, Bristol, BS1 3DB


General Admission
£12.00 + £1.50 fee

Sale Ended

Event Details

Simple Things proudly presents: Blackhaine live at Strange Brew.

For those unfamiliar, Blackhaine is a UK based project operating between Noise and Drill.

With its origins in the static anxiety of 2020, their output focuses on the ‘transition from stomach knotted dread to exhaustive, prang-out negative ecstasy’. A political act - the live show contains deconstructions of their existing sounds and future releases whilst experimenting with genre convention ranging from ambience to hardcore punk. 

Expect nothing less than an exploratory & experiential performance that will leave you with a lot to discuss. This isn't one to miss!

Support from K Means.